Toy Stuffing Recipes

Food dispensing toys are designed to enrich the lives of our domestic pets, and several of them are often best used with food or treats to help keep our pets’ attention and keep them occupied for longer.  Kong stuffing is extremely popular and many dog rescue organisations use them to help keep dogs stimulated and entertained whilst they are kennelled.  Most dog owners know all about the benefits of Kong stuffing, but don’t always realise that there are other toys suitable for being stuffed with food.

This page will explain what toys can be stuffed, what to stuff them with, help make the most of them and keep your dog happy and entertained.  Kongs and other food toys are suitable for stuffing and either freezing or microwaving.  Do not microwave for more than 30 seconds at a time.

What food can you use to stuff a dog toy?

You may struggle for ideas on which food and treats to use and often think that there are ‘rules’ to toy stuffing. However, the truth is that anything that is suitable for our pets to eat can be used, and combining different food types and microwaving or freezing food in the toys, can result in stuffed toys of varying difficulty.  The Kong and many other toys are dishwasher safe, making them easy to clean, regardless of the choice of food used for stuffing.

Are food-stuffed toys suitable for all dogs?

It is a common assumption that some dogs do not like to play with food-stuffed toys, but the vast majority will if you use the food types that press their buttons and ensure that the toy is stuffed to suit their interest and ability. Many dogs will spend a long time trying to remove even the smallest amount of low value food from a toy, while others will become easily bored if their reward is too hard to come by or not of high enough value.

What to avoid

While we will never suggest using a food that we know to be dangerous for dogs, we would like to remind you that there are food items that should never be given to dogs. These items include onion, grapes, raisins, sultanas, macadamia nuts and chocolate. When using pre-prepared products like peanut butter, apple sauce etc, check ingredients for Xylitol which is a sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute and toxic to dogs.


Stuffing idea # 1

The simplest and quickest form of toy stuffing is to use your dog’s dry food combined with good quality wet food or something to help bind the kibble together, such as tinned fish. Pilchards, sardines or tuna are popular with many dogs, but try to use varieties in spring water, oil or tomato sauce, rather than brine. Simply mix the kibble and wet food together and then stuff into the chosen toy. This can be given to your dog as is, or frozen to provide more of a challenge. For dogs learning how to unstuff toys for the first time, or those who are easily bored and require regular early pay-outs, it is best not to freeze them at this stage.

Stuffing idea # 2

Mash a banana and mix with a small carton of unsweetened natural yoghurt. Stand your chosen toy on a square of cling film, fill with the mixture and then wrap the toy with the cling film to prevent leaking. Place in the freezer for a couple of hours before giving to your dog.  To save time you can fill and freeze several toys so they’re ready to be given out over a period of time.

Stuffing idea # 3

Using either your dog’s regular dried kibble, small biscuits or pieces of large biscuit, half fill the Kong toy. When the toy is half full, add a layer of grated cheese, then continue to fill the Kong with the dry treats. Once almost full, cover the food with another layer of grated cheese. Microwave for 20-30 seconds, or until the cheese has melted. The melted cheese will cool and ‘glue’ the treats together, making them harder to remove. Allow to cool, and then give to your dog to keep him busy for quite some time.

Stuffing idea # 4

Fill the toy of choice with something that can be frozen, as mentioned previously.  You can use a good quality wet dog food, tinned fish, a mixture of mashed banana and natural yoghurt, or even a very weak gravy (salt free is preferred). If the filling is particularly runny, you’ll need to block the small hole of the Kong with a treat. When the toy is full of the wet food, insert a larger treat so that some of it remains outside of the toy, forming the “stick” of the ice lolly.   This gives the dog an instant pay-out which should hopefully encourage him or her to keep trying to get the remaining food out.  Finally, freeze the toy, upside-down in a plastic beaker if necessary to prevent spillage.

Stuffing idea # 5

This recipe suggestion is great for using-up any over-ripe fruit or leftovers. Simply place chunks of fruit (or vegetable) into the toy. This can be apples, oranges, pears, peaches, nectarines, carrots, broccoli, cucumber, tomatoes etc. When nearly full, mashed banana can be used to hold the contents in. This recipe is also perfect for freezing and keeping your dog cool on a hot day.  Remember not to use onions, grapes, raisins or sultanas as these are harmful to dogs.

Stuffing idea # 6

Using sardines in olive oil, mash the sardines with the oil and then spoon inside a Kong toy. This can be given as is, or the challenge can be made harder by blocking the hole with a larger treat.

Stuffing idea # 7

Another healthy toy stuffing recipe! Drain a tin of tuna in spring water and mix with natural yoghurt. Fill the toy with as much of the mixture as possible, and then give to your dog for hours of enjoyment.  For an added challenge, the toy can be frozen to prolong the fun.

Stuffing idea # 8

Mix up a very weak solution of Bovril and warm water and allow your dog’s regular dry kibble to soak in it for a few minutes. Once it has started to soften and absorb the gravy, stuff in your chosen dog toy. Always ensure that the mixture has cooled significantly before giving to your dog.

Stuffing idea # 9

A Christmas special! Simply mash any leftover Christmas dinner together (avoiding anything with onions), mix with a small amount of gravy and stuff into your dog’s favourite Kong. Use only a small amount of gravy due to the salt content. Once again, the toy can be given as is, or frozen to prolong the fun.  The toy could even be made up before dinner is served so that your dog can enjoy his Christmas dinner at the same time as you!  Always ensure that the mixture has cooled significantly before giving to your dog.

Stuffing idea # 10

This recipe uses the vegetable leftovers from a Sunday roast dinner.  All the off-cuts of vegetables, such as carrots, broccoli, swede, courgettes etc can be stuffed inside the toy, but remember to pack them in tightly if you want to keep your dog entertained for some time.


Stuffing idea # 11

Humous, bulked out with a few large dog treats makes a great ingredient for toy stuffing.  It’s a healthy food for dogs and smells great, which, combined with the other treats makes any food-stuffed toy irresistible. Just remember, do not use a variety of humous that contains onion, as this is toxic to dogs.

Stuffing idea # 12

Scramble one egg and then fold in a selection of your dog’s favourite vegetables. Spoon the mixture into the chosen chew toy and sprinkle some grated cheese onto the top. Place in the microwave until the cheese has melted and formed a ‘seal’ over the contents.  Once cooled, your dog can get to work!

Stuffing idea # 13

Cut up some apple and carrot chunks and place inside your toy of choice. Mash 1/4 of a banana and mush it into the large hole to hold fruit in place. You can include any of your dog’s other fruit and vegetable favourites, such as, orange slices, peach and/or nectarine chunks, celery sticks, broccoli and/or cauliflower, tomato or black olives.

Stuffing idea # 14

Crush up some health treats or biscuits and mix with unflavoured, natural yoghurt.  Once the treats are evenly distributed throughout the yoghurt, spoon the mixture into your dog’s favourite toy.  The toy can be given as is, or even better, frozen and then given to your dog.  A frozen Kong is an excellent way of keeping your dog cool on hot days, as well as keeping them occupied and mentally stimulated.

Stuffing idea # 15

Add the desired quantity of bone-shaped biscuits to cottage cheese (low fat, if available) and then mix well.  Spoon the mixture into your dog’s favourite toy and let him get to work.  For a tougher challenge, this recipe is ideal for freezing.

Stuffing idea # 16

Blend any variety of fresh fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, apples, bananas, kiwi fruit, pears etc and add a small amount of natural yoghurt to thicken.  Spoon into your dog’s favourite toy for food-stuffing and then freeze. You could also keep the end piece of banana to one side and use this to block the large hole, if stuffing a Kong toy.

Stuffing idea # 17

Crush up your dog’s favourite crunchy biscuits and mix into enough cheese spread to hold the dry biscuit together.  Spoon into your dog’s favourite toy, and serve!  This recipe can be frozen to prolong the fun.  If your dog needs to watch its weight, then a low fat cheese spread can be used.

Stuffing idea # 18

Dice up salad ingredients, such as celery, cucumber, carrot, tomato and fill your dog’s toy of choice.  Remember, no onion!  To seal the toy, use a spoonful of cream cheese or cottage cheese to hold the contents inside.

Stuffing idea # 19

Chop up some walnuts, and then mix into low fat natural yoghurt.  Spoon the mixture into your toys of choice and then freeze.

Stuffing idea # 20

Chop up some dried apricots, keeping one or two whole ones.  Mix the chopped apricots with some low-fat natural yoghurt and pour into your toy of choice. Use the whole apricots to block the hole and then pop into the freezer.

Stuffing idea # 21

You’ll need some dog chocolate drops (NOT normal chocolate), a banana and natural yoghurt (low fat, if you prefer).  Break up some of the chocolate drops and mash the banana.  Mix the two together, warming in the microwave for a few seconds to melt the chocolate into the banana, if you wish.  Stir in the yoghurt, spoon into your dog’s favourite Kong or other toy, then serve.  The toy can be frozen to make a tougher workout for your dog.

Stuffing idea # 22

Steam or boil some white fish, along with some cubes of potato and a selection of your dog’s favourite vegetables.  Remember, no onion!  Once cooked, mash the mixture and then spoon it into your dog’s favourite toy for stuffing.  Once cooled, give to your dog or freeze to provide a longer-lasting challenge.

Stuffing idea # 23

Peel and core 1 or 2 cooking apples and put in a pan with 1 tbsp of water.  Boil the mixture with the lid on for approximately 10 minutes until the apples are soft.  Stir 1 tsp of honey into the stewed apples and allow to cool.  Spoon into your chosen dog toy and then serve.  For a tougher challenge, the stuffed toy can be frozen before giving to your dog.

Stuffing idea # 24

This recipe is tried and tested by dogs belonging to the Pet Necessities’ team and is a firm favourite!  You will need hot dog sausages, your dog’s regular dry food and some grated cheese.   Cut up some hot dog sausage into thin slices and mix with the dry food.  Spoon it into your dog’s toy of choice, and then top with grated cheese.  Microwave for 20-30 seconds until the cheese has melted and the hot dog sausage smells irresistible!  Allow to cool, or freeze for a tougher workout.

Stuffing idea # 25

A really simple and healthy recipe! You will need a banana, some blueberries and your dog’s favourite stuffable toy.  Cut the banana into thick slices and mix together with some of the blueberries. Spoon into the toy and then block the hole with a large piece of banana.  For an extra treat you could mix some low fat natural yoghurt in with the fruit.  Remember, our dogs aren’t as fussy as we are when it comes to food, so using over-ripe fruit isn’t a problem.

Stuffing idea # 26

This recipe is slightly more exotic than previous recipes! You’ll need some lamb or beef mince, grated carrot and chopped tomatoes.  Brown the mince and then add the chopped tomatoes and grated carrot.  Continue to cook until most of the liquid has evaporated and then set to one side and allow to cool.  Stuff into your dog’s toy of choice and serve.  Can be frozen for an added challenge. Yummy!  Now find us a dog that will refuse that Kong!

Stuffing idea # 27

Mash some cooked or grate raw carrot and combine with tuna (preferably in spring water or oil – avoid brine due to the high salt content).  Spoon the contents into your dog’s favourite Kong or other toy and serve.  For variation, you can freeze the toy, or also add some low fat natural yoghurt for an extra treat for your dog!

Stuffing idea # 28

This recipe is very easy, but will keep your dog entertained for quite some time. You will need either a Kong or a similar toy, some Pet Munchies Chicken Strips and water.  Begin by placing your Kong upside down inside a freezable container, such as a plastic beaker or empty yoghurt pot.  Fill the Kong with water, leaving a small amount of space at the top. If your dog is particularly fussy or needs some encouragement to play with a stuffed toy, you could use a weak gravy solution instead of water.  There are reduced salt or salt free stock cubes available for babies and toddlers and these are ideal for dogs, too.  With a Kong toy, place several Chicken Strips into the hole at the top.  Leaving the toy in the container, place in the freezer for several hours.


Once frozen, hey presto, your dog’s very own ice lolly, ready for his enjoyment! With Kong toys, you may need to run the container under hot water for a few seconds to release it.

Stuffing idea # 29

This recipe is very easy, but also very summery and perfect for anyone with a sweet-toothed dog.  You’ll need some peanut butter, chopped banana and Greek yoghurt (preferably low fat).  Chop the banana into slices and then mix with a small amount of peanut butter and Greek yoghurt to form a sticky mixture. Spoon into your dog’s Kong and then freeze.  You can add other fresh fruit to the mixture, such as mango, berries, nectarines and peaches.  But remember, no grapes!

Stuffing idea # 30

This recipe is not only easy, but cheap and using ingredients that you’ve probably got in your fridge or cupboard. You’ll only need 2 ingredients; carrots and cheese spread (preferably low fat).  Spoon some cheese spread into your dog’s Kong or similar toy and cut the carrot into batons.  Push the carrot batons into the cheese spread and then seal the top with some more cheese spread.  Simple!


Stuffing idea # 31

This recipe once again makes use of leftovers and is very quick, easy and cheap to prepare!  You’ll need some left over mashed potato, a small amount of your dog’s food (wet or dry), some grated cheese and any other left over vegetables. (No onion!)   Mix some grated cheese and your dog’s food with the mashed potato, along with any other left over vegetables and spoon into your dog’s Kong toy.  This can be served straight away, or frozen for a tougher challenge for your dog.

Stuffing idea # 32

This recipe is incredibly easy and can be made in batches and frozen. Top and tail some carrots and boil until very soft. Then mash, stuff into your dog’s favourite toy, freeze and serve. You don’t even need to peel the carrots.   Most dogs absolutely love carrots, they’re incredibly healthy, low calorie, and cheap. Plus, most people have carrots available so there’s no excuse for not stuffing a toy for your dog.

Stuffing idea # 33

Yet another simple recipe which is great for last-minute toy stuffing! Mix dry kibble or biscuit treats with a little sandwich paste (chicken, ham, sardine and tomato etc) and then stuff into your dog’s toy. You just need enough paste to bind the dry ingredients together.

Stuffing idea # 34

This recipe is great for calming a stressed dog as it uses cottage cheese, which contains ‘casein’, an essential amino acid that the body converts to opioids that have a calming effect.

Mix your dog’s regular dry kibble with enough cottage cheese to bind together and then stuff into your dog’s favourite toy. As always, the toy can be frozen for a longer-lasting challenge. If your dog is not fed dry food, then you can mix the cottage cheese with broken up dog biscuits, or wet food if you prefer.

Stuffing idea # 35

A healthy recipe, with ingredients that you’ve probably already got in your cupboard.  You’ll need boiled white rice, boiled or steamed sweet potato and a blob of peanut butter.  Mash the sweet potato with the boiled rice and then stir in the peanut butter.  Allow to cool before giving to your dog, or freeze for longer lasting fun.  When frozen, this mixture seems to last for hours so is a great boredom buster.

Stuffing idea # 36

Leftovers are the name of the game in this recipe! Pasta is the main ingredient, but what you add to it is entirely up to you!  Our suggestion would be some drained tinned fish, such as tuna, sardines, pilchards or perhaps some meat, for example corned beef or ham.  You can even add some grated cheese to enhance the mixture.  Just stir it all together and then stuff into your dog’s favourite toy.

Stuffing idea # 37

Cut of the end of a ripe banana (2 if using a large Kong) and block the small hole at the bottom of the Kong. Slice 3 or 4 thin pieces and put to one side. Mash the remaining banana with 1 teaspoon of olive or vegetable oil and add a good tablespoon of honey.  Pack into the toy, smearing around the insides and place the sliced pieces on the top sealing the large end.  Smear with a little oil and put in the fridge to set for an hour.  Yummy!

Stuffing idea # 38

Mash some corned beef to form a paste and then stir in some natural treats or biscuits, or your dog’s regular dried food.  Then stuff the mixture into your toy of choice.  Find us a dog that wouldn’t like that!

Stuffing idea # 39

For this recipe you will need a scrambled egg, boiled white rice and a frankfurter or hot dog sausage.  Mix the rice and scrambled egg together and then stir in the chopped hot dog sausage.  If using a Kong, you can use a larger piece of sausage to block the hole.

Stuffing idea # 40

This recipe is ideal for the summer season and utilises a variety of fruit.  For a base you’ll need some apple sauce or stewed apple and to that you can stir in a variety of summer fruits or berries; strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc. Over-ripe fruit is fine to use, but remember, no grapes!  If using a Kong, you can use a large chunk of banana to block the large hole.  This is ideal for freezing, so perfect to keep your dog cool on a warm day.  Ensure there is no xylitol in the apple sauce.


Stuffing idea # 41

For this Kong stuffing idea you will need some Fish4Dogs Super Stars treats and Fish4Dogs Skinny Strips.  A Kong is best for this recipe.


Stand the Kong upside-down in a freezer-proof container (such as a plastic beaker or empty yoghurt pot) and fill with water until it nearly reaches the top of the large hole of the Kong.  Pour some of the Fish4Dogs Super Stars into the large hole of the toy, and then push a Fish4Dogs Skinny Strip down into the Kong, leaving a short length outside to form the “lolly stick”.  Put into the freezer, keeping upright, and leave for several hours.


Once frozen, remove the Kong from the container (run under a hot tap or immerse in warm water for a couple of minutes if necessary) and hey presto you have a Kong-sicle.   Give to your dog and they’ll be entertained and cooled for some time!


Stuffing idea # 42

This is a very healthy recipe, and it’s also very simple.  You will need some of your dog’s regular food (wet or dry) and some fresh spinach.  Warm some olive oil in a pan and then add a handful of spinach.  Put a lid on the pan and heat for one minute. Stir, replace the lid and heat for a further minute.  Empty the spinach into a sieve or colander and push down with a spoon to remove the liquid.  Once the spinach has cooled, stir into your dog’s regular food and then stuff into a Kong or similar toy.

Stuffing idea # 43

For this recipe you will need some crunchy peanut butter, natural low fat yoghurt and your dog’s regular kibble or dog biscuits.  Mix the peanut butter and yoghurt together and then stir in the kibble or biscuits.  Spoon into the Kong or another toy, and for best results and a longer lasting treat, freeze the toy with the mixture inside.  A great tasting treat, that’s also healthy!  Ensure there is no xylitol in the peanut butter.

Stuffing idea # 44

There are only two ingredients for this recipe, so it’s very easy and inexpensive. All you need is some cream cheese (low fat is best) and an apple.  Chop the apple into small pieces and mix into the cream cheese.  Stuff into your toy of choice and refrigerate to allow the mixture to firm up.  Alternatively, it could be frozen for an even longer-lasting treat.

Stuffing idea # 45

Once again, this recipe makes use of inexpensive ingredients that are staples of the food cupboard and fridge.  You will need a banana, natural yoghurt (preferably low fat) and some grated cheese.  Mash the banana and mix into the yoghurt and then stir in the grated cheese.  This recipe is best frozen before giving to your dog.

Stuffing idea # 46

For this recipe, you will need a rice cake, dried fruit (remember, no raisins), cream cheese and some plain croutons.  Crumble the rice cake into small pieces and stir into some cream cheese along with some dried fruit and the croutons. This will make quite a sticky, thick mixture so will be quite a challenge without being frozen.  It can certainly be frozen however, should you wish to keep your dog entertained for even longer.

Stuffing idea # 47

Perfect for any fish-loving dogs and an irresistible smelling treat that will keep your dog working at emptying his toy for quite some time.  You will need some tinned fish (preferably in oil or tomato sauce), some grated cheese and carrot.  Mash the fish, retaining some of the sauce or oil to keep it moist, and then mix in the grated cheese and carrot.  Serve immediately, or freeze first.  For added texture and temptation, you could add in some broken up natural dog treats or biscuits.

Stuffing idea # 48

Our 48th recipe contains several ingredients, but all are to be found in most homes and can be added in or left out according to what’s available and your dog’s taste.  You will need some or all of the following; a banana, applesauce, porridge oats, peanut butter, and plain yogurt.  Mash the banana and then mix in to the other ingredients.  As with many other recipes, this can be frozen to provide a greater challenge.

Stuffing idea # 49

This a really simple and versatile recipe.  All you need is some breakfast cereal (without added sugar!), such as Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Cornflakes or Bran and mix in enough peanut butter to hold the cereal together.  You can add some dried fruit as well if you wish, such as apricots (no raisins).  Spoon into your dog’s Kong, and serve straight away.

Stuffing idea # 50

This recipe may make use of leftovers, particularly if it is barbecue season.  You will need some sausages (make sure they don’t contain onion) and some cheese.  Put the sausages and cheese into a blender or food processor and mix for about 10 seconds.  Spoon into the toy of choice and then serve.


Stuffing idea # 51

This recipe was the winning entry from the KONG Connect Recipe Contest. This tropical treat is sure to delight your pup.  You will need one cup of unsweetened shredded coconut, one cup of granola (make sure it doesn’t have raisins), 1/2 cup of pineapple, 1/2 cup of peanut butter.  In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients together.  Add wet ingredients and continue mixing until fully incorporated.  Spoon into the toy and serve as is, or freeze for a few hours. This will give enough mixture to make a batch of toys, or excess mixture can be frozen and stored for up to six months.

Stuffing idea # 52

Another simple but tasty recipe.  You will need some rice cakes, dried fruit (no raisins) and some low fat cream cheese.  Crumble the rice cakes and add dried fruit.  Mix in enough cream cheese to combine the ingredients and then stuff into your dog’s favourite toy for stuffing.

Stuffing idea # 53

This recipe is extremely simple, cheap and ideal if you want to freeze batches of toys so they’re readily available whenever you need one.  All you’ll need is some sandwich paste, any variety is fine as long as it doesn’t contain onion, and smear inside the toy of choice.  You can use as much or as little as you like, depending on how hard a challenge you want it to be for your dog.  Freeze for maximum effect.

Stuffing idea # 54

Sweet potatoes form the main part of this recipe.  They are high in beta carotene that can help to neutralise free radicals, as well as dietary fibre which is good for digestion.  You will also need some green beans (leftovers are fine), and small pieces of wholemeal bread or dog biscuits.  Cook the sweet potatoes and green beans until softened.  Mash the sweet potato, cut the green beans into bite size pieces and stir them into the sweet potato, along with the bread or biscuits.  This recipe is best frozen, but can be given as is, provided it has cooled down first.

Stuffing idea # 55

All you need are some cubes of cheese, leftovers from a training session are perfect.  Put them onto a microwaveable plate and microwave for a few seconds, or just long enough to make them soft and malleable without actually melting.  Gently push them into the food toy and allow them to cool before giving to your dog.  Alternatively, you can put the cheese cubes into the food toy, and then microwave for a few seconds until the cheese softens.

Stuffing idea # 56

This recipe is guaranteed to win over even the fussiest of dogs.  You’ll need some left over paté and either dry dog food or small biscuits.  Make sure the variety of paté doesn’t contain onion.  As paté is very rich, you only need a small amount and a little goes a very long way!  Simply mix the biscuits or kibble into the paté, using as much dry ingredient as necessary so that the paté is just holding it all together.  Stuff into the toy and serve.  As a small amount of paté requires a large amount of dry food to thin it out, this recipe is ideal for making batches of toys and then freezing.

Stuffing idea # 57

This recipe contains a variety of ingredients.  You will need some unsalted cashew nuts, dried liver pieces, dog kibble or crushed dog biscuits, some Cheerios, dried fruit (no raisins) and peanut butter.  Mix the dry ingredients together, adjusting the quantities of each to suit your dog’s taste.  Stir in enough peanut butter to bind everything together and then spoon into the toy of choice.  For a longer-lasting treat it can be frozen.

Stuffing idea # 58

A very simple recipe, so ideal if you’re in a hurry.  All you will need is some bran cereal and peanut butter.  Mix enough peanut butter into the cereal to bind it together and then stuff into the toy.  You can also adjust the ratio according to taste.

Stuffing idea # 59

For this recipe you’ll need some leftover mashed potato and some of your dog’s favourite crunchy treats or biscuits.  Break up the treats and mix into the mashed potato.  You can decide on the ratio you use and the size you break the treats into to suit your dog’s taste.

Stuffing idea # 60

This recipe could not be simpler!  All you will need is some cold meat, the kind you might keep in your fridge for sandwiches; chicken slices, ham, beef, sausage etc.  Push the meat into the toy as far as possible and hey presto, a really quick stuffed toy that is perfect at the last minute.

Stuffing idea # 61

For this recipe, you will need some porridge oats, honey and dried or fresh fruit.  Make up a porridge using the oats and some water, then stir in a small amount of honey.  Add in some small pieces of fresh or dried fruit (e.g. blueberries, apple, apricots), give it a good stir and then spoon into the toy.  Allow to cool and then give to your dog as is, or freeze for a longer-lasting challenge.  As always when using fruit, remember not to use raisins or grapes.

Stuffing idea # 62

You will need some bone shaped treats, and some cottage cheese or soft cheese (preferably low fat).  Spoon some of the cheese into the toy, and then push some of the bones into it.  Top up with some more of the cheese, and if using a Kong toy, you could also plug the large hole with a piece of fruit or veg, such as banana or carrot.

Stuffing idea # 63

A recipe direct from The Kong Company.  You will need some cut meat such as steak, chicken, beef, pork or lamb, mashed potato, diced carrots and peas.  Stir all the ingredients together and then spoon into your dog toy of choice.  This recipe would suit being frozen, should you wish for a longer-lasting treat or a cooling treat on a hot day.

Stuffing idea # 64

This recipe is extremely simple, and a little bit different to previous recipes!  It is also a good source of protein and calcium and great for skin and fur.  All you will need is some cream or soft cheese (preferably low fat) and some flax seeds. Use enough cheese to fill the toy or toys of your choice and stir in the flax seeds at a ratio of 2:1. (For every two spoons of cheese, add one spoon of seeds).  Stir the seeds into the cheese until evenly distributed and fill the toys.  Freeze for maximum effect.  Flax seed is a great, affordable, and vegan alternative to fish.

Stuffing idea # 65

A healthy recipe with the added benefit of working as a breath freshener!  You will need some parsley leaves and natural yoghurt, preferably low fat.  Roughly chop the parsley leaves, three or four should do, and then stir into the yoghurt. To reduce mess, it’s a good idea to at least partially freeze the toy and mixture before giving it to your dog!

Stuffing idea # 66

This recipe requires only two simple and relatively cheap ingredients; pumpkin and banana.  The approximate ratio is two scoops of pumpkin to one inch of banana.  It is a good source of potassium, fibre, carotenoids, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and vitamin A and C.  Pumpkin is great for your dog’s digestion.  Mash the banana and pumpkin together and stuff into your toy of choice.  Can be given frozen, or as it is.

Stuffing idea # 67

A simple and inexpensive recipe. It can be used just as it is, or as the basis for more adventurous recipes to suit your dog’s taste.  For the basic recipe you will need just two ingredients; banana and soft cheese.  Simply mash the banana and mix into the soft cheese.  Ideal for using up over-ripe bananas … and they’re easier to mash! Perfect for making batches of toys for freezing.

Stuffing idea # 68

This recipe requires just two ingredients; soft cheese (preferably low fat) and liver treats.  Mix a handful of the liver treats into a few spoons of the soft cheese and then stuff into your toy of choice.  This is an ideal recipe for freezing if your dog prefers more of a challenge.

Stuffing idea # 69

Boil and mash some sweet potato and while it’s still warm stir in a small amount of grated cheese or low fat soft cheese.  Spoon into your dog’s toy, and it’s good to go (once cooled, of course!).  This is a perfect recipe for freezing, too.

Stuffing idea # 70

You will need some cottage cheese (preferably low fat), and some seasonal fruits.  There is nothing wrong with using over-ripe or mushy fruit for this.  Ideal fruits are blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, nectarines, peaches, bananas … just remember not to use grapes.  Simply stir the fruit in to the cottage cheese and stuff into your dog toy of choice.  The toy and contents can then be frozen for a tougher challenge, or to help keep your dog cool.

Stuffing idea # 71

All you will need is some low-fat cream cheese and an apple. An over-ripe or soft apple is fine to use.  Cut the apple into small cubes and stir through the cream cheese so it’s evenly distributed, then spoon into your dog’s favourite stuffable toy.

Stuffing idea # 72

We’ve got a very cheap and simple Kong Stuffing suggestion for you this time. All you will need is a jar of fish paste, and some Fish4Dogs Tiddlers.  Spread some of the paste inside the Kong toy, then push some of the Tiddlers inside until approximately half full.   Add some more fish paste, then fill with more biscuits.  Finally, spread some more of the paste onto the top of the treats to cover the hole, then give to your dog.

Stuffing idea # 73

This one is perfect for any cheese-loving dog and very simple to make.  You will need some plain, natural yoghurt (preferably low fat), some grated parmesan cheese and grated cheddar cheese.  Use enough yoghurt to fill as many toys as you need, then stir in the grated cheeses, using twice as much parmesan as cheddar.  You can use whatever quantities of cheese that you like, according to your dog’s taste.  This recipe is definitely best frozen.

Stuffing idea # 74

A really simple, quick and inexpensive recipe that dogs will love!  You will need some plain, natural yoghurt (preferably low fat), tinned sardines and natural big biscuits or fish wraps.  Begin by draining the fish and mashing.  Then stir in enough yoghurt to hold the mixture together.  Spoon into the dog toys and then push a biscuit into the mixture, leaving a small piece sticking out (this will give your dog an instant reward and encourage him to try hard to remove the rest of the filling).  Freeze and then serve to your dog.

Stuffing idea # 75

You will need a medium-large sweet potato and a tin of fish in oil or water (pilchards, mackerel or sardines will all work well).  Cut the sweet potato into small chunks and boil until tender.  In the meantime, drain the fish and mash lightly.  Once the sweet potato is cooked, roughly mash it and then stir the fish through.  Stuff into your toy of choice.  Can be frozen to provide a greater challenge, but if serving straight away remember to ensure that the mixture is allowed to cool first.  This will make enough to stuff several toys, so can be kept in the fridge for several days or make a batch of toys for freezing.

Stuffing idea # 76

Another really simple recipe that you can make using items usually found in your fridge or cupboards.  You will need some natural yoghurt (preferably low fat), pineapple (fresh or tinned) and some ham.  Chop the pineapple and ham into chunks and then mix in enough yoghurt to hold it all together.  Fill your toy of choice and give to your dog.  Ideal to be made in batches and frozen.

Stuffing idea # 77

This Kong Stuffing Recipe is a bit more elaborate than some of our more other ones, but your dog will love you for going to the trouble of making it.  You will need some cod, sweet potato, peas and carrot.  Boil or steam the cod, sweet potato, carrot and peas until cooked through and soft.  Once cooked, mash together with a little coconut or olive oil and then spoon into your dog’s toys.  As always, the stuffed toys can be frozen for use at a later date.

Stuffing idea # 78

A toy stuffing recipe that is entirely fruit-based.  You will need a jar of pureed fruit baby food and any combination of fruits that your dog likes.  We suggest apple, banana, melon, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.  De-seed and slice the melon and apple, cut the banana into chunks and stir into the fruit puree, along with the berries.  Stuff into the Kong or whatever toy your dog enjoys and it’s ready to go.  Can also be frozen.

Stuffing idea # 79

This Kong recipe requires some berries, honey and cottage cheese.  Stir the berries into the honey (we would suggest blackberries, strawberries and blueberries).  Alternately add spoons of cottage cheese and the berry mix so that they form layers within the toy until the toy is full.  This recipe works best frozen.

Stuffing idea # 80

You will need Fish4Dogs Salmon Mousse and some dogs treats, as well as your dog’s favourite toy for stuffing for this recipe.  Mash the salmon mousse and break up the salmon treats slightly.  Stir the treats into the mousse and then spoon into the toy.  Freeze and serve.

Stuffing idea # 81

You will need some sardines and sweet potato.  Gently boil or steam the sweet potato until soft and then roughly mash.  Break up the sardines and stir into the sweet potato mash, then spoon into to your chosen toy/toys.  You can make the mixture tastier by using sardines in tomato sauce and adding the sauce to the mixture.  Easy to make in large quantities for batches of toys to be frozen.